Where hemp grows, plants, trees and shrubs do not get sick, there are no aphids, apple codling moth, potatoes are not infected with late blight. One or two plants in the greenhouse relieve diseases and pests of cucumbers, tomatoes and other plants, attract many bees. Bees “grazing” on hemp are not infected with the mite. The smells of flowering hemp do not tolerate the Colorado potato beetle, bear, cockroaches.

Speaking about the value of hemp, it should be emphasized that it is a highly profitable crop. If it is skillfully grown, then neither flax, nor sugar beets, nor sunflowers, not to mention cereals, can compare with it. Occupying 3 – 5% of arable land in crops, hemp provides 46 – 50% of income from crop production. All this testifies to the great possibilities of cannabis cultivation.

Or you can do nothing at all, just plant it on contaminated land, hemp will suck out heavy metals from there, and neither zinc nor lead will interfere with the growth of hemp. In Germany, where lands withdrawn from agricultural production occupy up to 15% of the total land fund, farmers receive subsidies from the state for the cultivation of hemp there, of course, drug-free. This is a great way to reclaim trash.

For the cultivation of hemp, no chemicals, in particular, pesticides, need to be used. No fertilizer is required as this crop grows well in almost any climate. Hemp produces a huge amount of plant mass in just three months of the growing season. According to experts, 1 hectare of hemp can replace 4 hectares of forest!

It was under this slogan that the State Drug Control Service held a presentation of hemp products. There is a chance that such a valuable branch of agriculture as hemp growing will take its rightful place. For example: in the Penza Research Institute of Agriculture, hashish-free hemp of the Surskaya variety was bred, it is included in the State Register of Permitted Agricultural Crops. Seeds, along with a patent, certificate and advice, can be purchased at the cannabis laboratory. In some regions of Russia, the process of developing cannabis has already begun, for example, in the Amur Region.

The integrated development of hemp growing as one of the types of natural biotechnologies will allow our agricultural producers to get rid of herbicides and other poisons. Working for the profits of Western chemical companies like Syngenta, agro-industrialists are poisoning the soil, growing plants that are dangerous to human health. The activity of such companies leads to an annual increase in the number of plant diseases, which leads to an even greater use of pesticides and is similar to the fight against windmills .

I emphasize once again that the result of such activity is dead, lifeless soil, sick humanity and disturbed ecology of the entire Earth.

Let’s hope that our farmers will remember the experience of their ancestors, start applying modern natural biotechnologies and make the right decision.

What is the difference between medical marijuana and regular marijuana? It is this substance that affects the change of consciousness and can cause hallucinations. Regular grass can contain between 5% and 35% THC. In medical – a maximum of 1%. At the same time, medical and conventional marijuana contain cannabidiol (CBD), which does not have psychoactive properties. This substance is added to food, decorative cosmetics or oils. It is cannabidiol that helps people get rid of pain syndromes. Medical grade hemp contains mainly cannabidiol. When using it, a person relaxes and more easily tolerates pain.

His thoughts are not confused, there is no muscle relaxation and other side effects that occur when smoking regular marijuana. Ordinary (recreational) marijuana contains a high percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol, which has nothing to do with treatment, but rather negatively affects the human body. In addition to smoking, cannabinoids are used for medical purposes in the form of tablets, drops, tea, ointments, sprays or inhalations.

What diseases can medical cannabis help with?

First of all, medical marijuana is recommended for cancer patients (it helps to survive the effects of chemotherapy), epileptics, people with post-traumatic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, war veterans.
Israel is one of the first countries to legalize medical cannabis and has become one of its largest suppliers. By the end of 2022, they plan to earn up to $32 billion from the export of medical marijuana.

The cultivation of hemp in this country is recognized as a field of agriculture. Also, medical cannabis is allowed in Poland, USA, Turkey, Switzerland, Finland, Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Russia, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and many other countries with different living standards. At the same time, marijuana is not completely legalized in all countries: somewhere it is allowed to use it only for medical purposes, somewhere exclusively for personal use, sometimes with an acceptable norm for carrying marijuana with you. In some countries, the sale, cultivation and use of even ordinary hemp has been completely decriminalized (Uruguay, Canada).